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A lot of skills for effective practice and about organisation can be taught. Therefore in the worldwide survey the question was asked if people had taken a course on how to practice effectively and efficiently. Only 34% of the flutists had a course on the subject. 21% has read some books, 14% share the viewpoint that they think they don’t need it and the resulting 31% would love to take a course on it. In the comment section there was space to leave suggestions for further reading on effective and efficient practice.
The suggestions are:
The Musicians Way

Gerard Kickstein

The Inner Game of Music

Barry Green


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


Carol Dweck

The Art of Practicing

Alice Arzt

The Music Lesson

Victor Wooten

10 Minutes Toughness

Jason Selk

De Paradox van Plankenkoorts

Mieke Wouters

Het Ontstemde Brein

Esther van Fenema

The Talent Code

Daniel Coyle

The Bulletproof Musician blog

Noa Kageyama

Six weeks to finals

Sharon Sparrow

The Simple Flute

Michel Debost

The online course

Rob Knopper

Artistique Technique


The podcast Mind Over Fingers

Renée-Paule Gauthier

The Gilbert Legacy

Angelita Floyd

In de muziek

Wieke Karsten

A Soprano on her Head

Eloise Ristad

Practice Revolution

Phil Johnston

The Aspiring Flutist's Practice Companion

Terry Sanchez

The Flute Scale Book

Louke and George

In pursuit of excellence

Terry Orlick

Passionate practice

Margret Elson

Inside sport psychology

Paul Dickenston

Fit in 15 minutes

Benjamin Bergmann

Atomic Habits

James Clear

Music and the flute

Thomas Nyfenger

The Flute Book

Nancy Toff

Effortless Mastery

Kenny Werner

The Art of Practicing

Madeline Bruser

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